Facebook Album Stealer

This tool will Search for all Albums on User/Page ID you provide and then Give you options to choose which Albums you wanna steal from.
Click here whenever you're ready

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Auto Liker 100% working [Updated]

script malingan

Woorking 100% Auto Liker by HS Creations
This step-by-step tutorial describes how you can write your own Facebook App in 5 minutes even if you are not a geek. A video screencast for writing Facebook applications is also included for easy reference.
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Auto Friend Adder 3

If you are a Facebook Friend Adding Maniac then you are well suited to use this tool. This tool will help you quench the thirst of an irresistible impulse to send a friend request on Facebook :D ( meuni lieur bahasana oge :P )

This Tool Will Add friends with Limit How many you want .When you first start out to use these tools, and have never had getting a reprimand from Facebook about excessive requests before. Then you shouldn't be surprised when you suddenly get a warning message like below..

This is normal, 'cause as you already know that Facebook has so many rules and all rules are sucks :D So Get used to it.

Try limit 5 friend request :p
Click the button below to start whenever you are ready.
Penetrating,, wait up..
Welcome to Friends Adder!
Close Go Back Check My Friends Count Now Load Token


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